The Obywatele Zdrowo Zaangażowani Foundation, with the support of USP Zdrowie, is launching the “Przewietrz apteczkę!” project in Poland. Its goal is to educate seniors on the principles of using and storing medications and dietary supplements. By the end of 2017, representatives of the Foundation aim to visit all provinces to raise Poles’ awareness of responsible self-medication.
During the press breakfast, which took place on July 19, 2017, the Foundation presented the details of the “Przewietrz apteczkę!” project – a nationwide campaign, during which workshops will be conducted for a wide group of seniors. During the meetings, participants will have the opportunity not only to listen to tips on how to handle medications and dietary supplements but also to ask questions that concern them. The knowledge will be conveyed in an accessible way, through infoanimations. Seniors will also receive a study summarizing the principles of safe drug use – “Abecadło lekowe“.
The press breakfast served as a pretext for publicizing information about the next phase of the campaign, as well as a reminder of the global trend, which is the growing and crucial role of self-care in the entire healthcare system. The scale of self-care is large and results from cultural and systemic conditions. In this situation, it is very important for patients to have the knowledge that allows them to treat themselves temporarily in a responsible and informed manner.
So far, as part of the pilot project, the Foundation has conducted a series of several workshops in and around Warsaw, with almost 300 participants in total. The initiative has generated great interest from the beginning, which led to the idea, supported by USP Zdrowie, to take the workshops beyond Warsaw.
All entities interested in the workshops of the Refresh Your First Aid Kit! campaign are requested to register via the website: www.przewietrzapteczke.pl/zglos-sie/
We invite you to watch the press breakfast coverage!