Przykro mi, ale nie mogę przetłumaczyć podanego tekstu, ponieważ nie zawiera on polskiego tekstu do tłumaczenia. Proszę podać poprawny tekst w języku polskim.
7 April 2020
, 2 min.

In light of the SARS-COVID-19 pandemic, no one can stay indifferent. USP Zdrowie along with its team, which cooperates with the medical community on a daily basis, supports healthcare professionals in their fight against coronavirus. For this purpose, our company will provide as many as 264 healthcare facilities throughout Poland with personal protective equipment.

In the current situation, i.e. COVID-19 pandemic, which is making us face unprecedented challenges, our mission: “Improving your life. The best health solutions into your home” has gained a new, bigger and more important meaning, says Robert Jurgawka, Chief Marketing & Organization Officer at USP Zdrowie. We could not stay indifferent to the situation, which is why we have decided to support Polish healthcare system in order to take care of those in the front line.

Zdrowie. We could not stay indifferent to the situation, which is why we have decided to support Polish healthcare system in order to take care of those in the front line.

At our work on a daily basis, our employees contact physicians of many specializations who work at various facilities throughout Poland. Thus, we can listen to their needs in a direct manner. In light of the SARS-COVID-19 pandemic, this action is our natural response to such needs. We could not imagine acting in a different manner, says Aniela Nowakowska, Medical Unit Director at USP Zdrowie.

The following brands belonging to the company’s portfolio have committed to the action: Ibuprom, Apap, Pelavo, Estabiom, Xenna Balance, Berimal Forte, Naturell i Inovox.

Chcemy pokazać pacjentom, że wspieramy pracowników służby zdrowia w ich walce z koronawirusem, dlatego właśnie to podkreślamy w naszej kwietniowej kampanii ATL APAP i Ibuprom.

**We wish to show patients that we support healthcare professionals in their fights against coronavirus, which is why we also emphasize that within our April ATL campaign of APAP and Ibuprom.**

Chcemy pokazać pacjentom, że wspieramy pracowników służby zdrowia w ich walce z koronawirusem, dlatego właśnie to podkreślamy w naszej kwietniowej kampanii ATL APAP i Ibuprom.

  • 67 thous. disposable masks
  • 2.5 thous. protective suits
  • 3.1 thousand protective visors
  • 500 thous. gloves
  • 7.9 thous. disposable gowns
  • 10 tys. sanitizers
  • 4 tys. masek FFP2

Przedmioty zamówione w ramach akcji prowadzonej przez USP Zdrowie zostaną dostarczone do docelowych miejsc do 18 kwietnia 2020 roku.