On August 1, 2022, a new television campaign for Manti started! This is the first airing of the brand’s commercial in 7 years.
We present a new addition to our portfolio – Manti extra. It is a remedy for heartburn with rapid, strong1 and long-lasting effects.
Manti extra is a product created precisely for these intense and modern times. We live on the run and don’t have time to wait for results. We need quick solutions.
Manti extra as the only heartburn remedy on the market contains 2 types of active substances for heartburn, which work in two ways:
- 2 Antacids – immediately soothe acidity in the esophagus2
- Famotidine – inhibits acid secretion in the stomach for up to 12h
When heartburn gets in your way – take Manti extra.
We invite you to watch the spot.
1“The effect of famotidine is strong and long-lasting, appearing within 1 to 2 hours after oral administration,” SmPC Manti Extra.
2“Causes an IMMEDIATE increase in pH value in the esophagus,” SmPC Manti Extra.
Manti Extra, chewable tablets. Famotidine 10 mg + Magnesium hydroxide 165 mg + Calcium carbonate 800 mg. Excipients with known effects: Dextrates (source of glucose) – 413 mg.
**Indications for use:** In adults and adolescents over 16 years of age for short-term symptomatic treatment of conditions related to excess stomach acid, such as: heartburn, indigestion, pain, and burning in the epigastric region.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity (allergy) to famotidine or other drugs that reduce stomach acid production (e.g., ranitidine, cimetidine, etc.) or to antacids (calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide) or to any excipient or other allergies; Severe renal failure.
Podmiot odpowiedzialny: US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o.
This is a medication. For safety, use it according to the package leaflet. Do not exceed the maximum dose. In case of doubt, consult your doctor or pharmacist.